The witness story
The witness story

Only a small part of the collection is displayed on a permanent basis in Yad Vashem’s Holocaust History Museum, so here we present you with additional stories of the precious artifacts preserved in the Collection Room. Included are a wide variety of artifacts that survived the war, among them personal effects as well as objects that served families or communities – some are elaborate and splendidly crafted, and others’ simplicity reflects the harsh conditions under which they were made. The Artifacts Collection includes thousands of objects that have been collected throughout the existence of Yad Vashem. Often we find that the survivor expresses relief after giving us the object as if he is saying: until now I was responsible for transferring the story to the next generations, now that the object is in your hands, you are taking on the responsibility of telling the story with the object helping you in your mission. It is as if he projects his life story onto the object and passes it on to us.

the witness story

Only the perception that the object can transfer the memories to future generations enables the survivor to part with such a precious item.

the witness story

Though the object may be something of little significance to the world, parting from it is difficult – sometimes this is the only object that is left from the survivor’s former life and family, and as such it carries the weight of the remembrance. They are depositing with us their dearest memories – testimony and their object around which we can build their story. It is important, therefore, to get these objects and the testimony from the survivors themselves who are our link with the events. Even now, people who are able to give testimony regarding what happened to them were children or at most youths during the Holocaust.

the witness story

Soon however, there will no longer be live witnesses to the events.

The witness story